Wednesday, January 7, 2009

How can one be so famous yet so lonely?

It has little to do with having 2 or 20 or 200 friends, I've learned.

Quick note, this was meant to have been published in early January.

Loneliness stems from lacking a strong sense of spirituality.

For the past 3 weeks, my mother has been in Nigeria (very far away from me). This hurt me emotionally because I am very close to my mother and .

When you hold in tears, they only pour down heavier. My eyes rained for 3 nights.

The night in which I told you that I had a long conversation with God in my previous blog is when I learned that my loneliness was of God himself. The main reason our conversation was so long was because I had ignored him for so long. I always praised him but I forgot to listen to him and talk to him.

They way I now talk with God is through habitual and informal conversations.

Next time you find yourself so lonely, please don't pick up your phone to call somebody (boyfriend, sister, mom etc.), please don't get on the computer (myspace, YouTube, Google, what have you). Instead, talk to whoever that is you believe in. Kneel, lay stand (however you feel less anxious and more relaxed). Tell him/her what is the problem and let the spirit guide you to a sense of tranquility, wholeness and harmony.

You will know when it's harmony when you no longer need to pick up the phone and dial him/her or waste precious time randomly "googling" non-sense (whatever that may deem to you).

Try it.

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